Upgrade Your Customers’ Experience with Qpop™
The point of purchase is your final opportunity to leave a lasting impression on customers. RepairQ’s Qpop offers a host of engagement features and delivers them at this critical moment using the tablets you already have on hand.
Upload your own promotional images or videos to create a cohesive experience and present customers with upgrade options.
Qpop support comes standard with every RepairQ subscription and is compatible with most iOS and Android tablets.
Give your customers transparency. With Qpop, customers can see their ticket items in real time at checkout.
Qpop Engagements
Including Qpop in your store’s strategy can improve customer loyalty, customer engagement and make your business stand out from your competition.

Promote and Advertise
Load promotional images or videos for use during various stages of customer interaction.

Ticket Summary
Allow the customer to follow along as you walk them through the parts and/or services in their transaction.

Custom Forms and Waivers
Easily present necessary authorizations, disclaimers and consent forms with the means to capture signatures for record on file.

Credit Card Signatures
Go paperless when using integrated credit card processing with e-signature requests for card payment authorizations.