The powerful enhancements and improved functionality in Release 1.17 will open your repair shop to expanded business opportunities, give you new tools to communicate with customers and save you time. These improvements will help reduce human error, shorten customer wait time, eliminate redundancy and provide your business with the additional tools necessary to begin doing online and mail-in business. We’ve added these improvements to help you do more business, do it smarter and do it more efficiently. Let’s walk through the Release 1.17 features.
Watch the Release 1.17 Demo Webinar Video :
Major Features
Approvals is a new feature that helps your repair shop request and record consumer consent for a repair. This enhancement makes it easy for you to initiate more online business and provides a means to track mail-in repairs as well. With the initial release of Approvals, you can configure your requirements once, then request a consumer’s consent prior to or during a repair. Starting with a simple status change, choose how you want it delivered, and wait for a consumer to respond. Consumers can view, make notes, accept or reject your request for approval.
Consumers receiving Approvals:
- Receives a text or email
- Clicks a link in notification to load Qsite Approvals
- Views approval summary including approval note from tech
- Optionally views invoice details
- Optionally views terms
- Accepts or declines approval
- Leaves a note for your shop

Technicians creating Approvals:
- Approval can be required on status change or requested manually
- Shop user manages Approvals within a ticket
- Configurations available:
- Approvals delivered with notifications
- Approvals can require certain steps
- Approvals can have an expiration
- Approvals can be requested for quotes as well as repair tickets in progress

Technicians responding on behalf of consumer:
- Record a verbal approval using a manual approval in RepairQ
- Capture who accepted or rejected the approval and a note
- Helps supports California compliance for seeking approvals for services

List Views
Lists are powerful, functional tools throughout RepairQ. In fact, the ‘Q’ comes from managing your ‘queue’ of repairs. In 1.17, we’ve redesigned how Lists look and respond. Plus, we’ve added new functionality so you can do more with lists saving you and your employees time. Most lists within RepairQ will utilize these improvements which include refactoring filters, updated search functions, and saving your favorite list views for later use.
Included with the redesign of List Views:
- Refined user interface for picking and adding filters
- New filter functionality, including new filter options
- Show/hide columns, including new column options
- Refined search behavior including support for keyword phrases and wildcards
- Save filters and columns as a view to be recalled at any time
- Share views between users, locations, or an entire organization
Important to know about List Views in 1.17:
- Filters and search in most list screens have moved from the left panel to a new filter and keywords panel directly above your list results. This migration might result in a slight disruption to existing users, but the move will help open screen real estate to view more data and include more filters and features over time. Bottom line: the change is worth it.

Minor Features
Whether your customer is arriving for their appointment, needs to pick up a repaired device, start a return, start a new repair, or buy something, RepairQ’s Check-In allows you to efficiently choose the right check-in process no matter the reason. This new check-in experience brings all of the path options into one place.
Included with Check-In
- Start ‘Check-In’ anytime from RepairQ’s menu
- View a single panel with all the most common customer answers to ‘What brings you in today?’
- Appointments – ‘I have an appointment today.’
- Customer Search – ‘I was in last week…’
- Ticket Search – ‘I have a repair to pick up.’
- Start Ticket – ‘I would like to (Buy, Sell, Repair, Get a Quote, etc).’
- Start Return – ‘I need to return this.’
- Each choice takes you immediately to a search, list, or new ticket appropriate for the situation!

Other Enhancements
Previously, searching in RepairQ 1.16 by typing iPhone 6 Black would return results for everything that contained “iPhone” and “6” and “Black”.
In 1.17, we’ve added new search enhancements of keyword phrases and wildcards helping users refine search results by requiring that certain words are always in an exact order to qualify as a result.
Now, searching “iPhone 6” (and) “Black” would return ‘iPhone 6 64GB Black’ but would not return ‘iPhone Black Case Model 78964’ (because ‘iPhone’ and ‘6’ were not in the correct phrase order).
Additionally, to help optimize searches, keywords with less than 3 characters will be automatically bundled into a phrase with the previously searched term.
- Searching iPhone 6 will result in a search for “iPhone 6”; both words as an exact phrase.
To learn more about phrase searching as well as wildcards, please visit our Knowledge Base article.
Custom Forms
We also wanted to show some love to Custom Forms in this release. 1.17 Introduces the ability to add conditional fields, new triggers for required forms, and automatically present forms to the user based on the unique situation. Implementing new form triggers will help reduce time locating forms during your repair process and conditional fields can help eliminate unnecessary form questions based on your repair scenario.
Included with the change:
- Form fields can now be shown or hidden conditionally, based on other form field values
- Automatically present all required forms when event is triggered
- New required event:
- Upon entering a status
- Additional required filters:
- Manufacturer of the repair device
Conclusion: Release 1.17 includes powerful new features and enhancements to give your business the advantage
Release 1.17’s enhancements and improved functionality will help your business work smarter. For additional details about the release, we have developed a number of resources for you to consult:
- Knowledge Base Articles
- RecordedWebinar
Additions to Approvals will quickly follow this release expanding support for other approval functionality as well as requesting payments online. More information will be provided soon following 1.17. For feedback, questions or concerns, please contact us at Thank you for being our valued customer.

James Schellhorn
James is the Chief Business Development Officer for ServiceCentral, helping to positively influence the company’s brand and product direction based on our customer’s needs. When not in the office James loves to cycle around town, enjoy local beers, and play with his corgi.