1.10 Release Preview

Integrated Printing (beta)

Integrate your printers with RepairQ to maximize your control over your print devices & tasks! With integrated printing, you can print directly to a paired printer without a print dialog. Common tasks, like printing a receipt after closing a sale, can now be automated. Plus, each printer can be assigned to a task and configured for appropriate margins, paper size, etc without leaving RepairQ.

Integrated Printing will be available in 1.10 as a ‘beta’ feature. This means we’re offering it earlier in an effort to collect real user feedback. If you’re interested in our beta initiative or how to provide feedback on our upcoming beta feature, integrated printing, click the link below.

Supplier Tracking Upgrades

  • Supplier tracking for ticket items will receive several upgrades:Adding an item onto a ticket using the supplier’s SKU will now always grab in-stock inventory FIFO (first in, first out) for the matching supplier (when available). In addition, a new setting is available to enforce/override the item’s supplier if no matching item is found in stock for the supplier. These two features give you the ability to effectively enforce accurate supplier tracking with the use of supplier SKU barcodes.
  • New setting will enable ticket item search results to show items grouped by supplier, so you can pick the correct supplier’s item by hand
  • Managers have the ability to override the supplier tracked for an item from the ticket in the event the wrong supplier’s item is pulled

Special Order Parts: Ticket Item Overrides

It often makes sense to use a “catch-all” item for special order parts. However, this can make cost and supplier tracking for special orders more cumbersome. The new ticket item override feature makes tracking the appropriate cost and supplier for special order parts much easier.
— Cost Override
Administrators can enable cost overrides with a new catalog item setting. This will allow Shift Leads, Inventory Managers, and Managers to update the cost of an item directly from the ticket. This includes both inventoried and non-inventoried items. This opens the door for you to track your special order parts using a simplified process with a non-inventoried catalog item while still tracking variable COGS, which was previously not possible. In the past it was necessary to use an inventoried catalog item in order to track variable COGS.
— Supplier Override
Administrators can enable supplier overrides with a new catalog item setting. This will allow Shift Leads, Inventory Managers, and Managers to update the supplier for an item directly from the ticket. For those of you wanting to track special order items without keeping inventory records, you’ll be able to track the supplier for non-inventoried items on the ticket.

RepairQ Performance Upgrades

Application-wide performance upgrades are coming! Nearly all features in RepairQ will see an improvement in load times, with some features and pages improved more than others. Our pilot customers have experienced a 90%+ speed increases in loading of the ticket edit screen, a 90% improvement in loading the ticket queue, and a 50%+ improvement in loading the inventory summary, just to name a few specifics. We are very excited to get these upgrades to you!

To ensure a smooth transition, the performance upgrades will roll out to groups of RepairQ customers over the weeks following the 1.10 release. You will be notified via a separate message when your application receives the performance upgrades.


Beta Feature Opportunity

In 2017, we’re providing our users earlier access to key features like Integrated Printing. We encourage you to check this new beta feature out and provide us with your feedback so we can continue enhancing it to meet your business needs.