Release 1.16

RepairQ 1.16: Qsite Opportunities, Categories, Compatibility, and Auto/Pre-bundling

RepairQ Release 1.16

RepairQ 1.16 includes features that have been widely requested by our user base. Our latest release showcases major improvements and additions to our online, customer experience tool, Qsite. We want to empower you to engage your customers and improve your check-in and ticketing processes. New and improved pre-sales touchpoints, more visual user interfaces, and customization options are just a few things that await you in 1.16.

Watch the full walkthrough demo here.

Major Features

Qsite – Opportunities**

Qsite Opportunities is a simple, but effective tool that can be embedded in your website to engage your visitors, capture leads, and convert leads into customers through Opportunities in RepairQ. Qsite Opportunities includes the ability to browse and select a location, drill into Categories to find a catalog item, receive a quote for that item, and schedule an appointment with that location. This new feature will not affect or replace legacy Qsite functionality for checking ticket statuses. The original Qsite app is now called Qsite Status.

Qsite Opportunities includes:

Location Finder

If you operate more than one location, Qsite’s Location Finder can present your locations for a lead to search, browse, and select, directing Quotes, Contact Forms, and Appointments to the appropriate location.

Get a Quote

Qsite Quotes allows your leads to use Categories to browse and locate an item in your catalog, so they can receive a real-time quote price or a request to be contacted for a quoted price.

Contact Form

Qsite Contact Forms provides a form to collect a lead’s contact information and transfers it into a contact record in RepairQ. In this version of Qsite Opportunities, a Contact Form is required before presenting Quotes to leads.

Appointment Scheduling

Qsite Appointments allows a lead to browse the schedule of a location, select an available time slot, and confirm scheduling of an appointment. Enhancements to Appointment Management are also included in 1.16, including being able to cancel or reschedule an appointment record, as well as associating a quote ticket with an appointment.

Major Enhancements

Item Grid*

Your Item Grid is a fully customizable, visual tool used to quickly navigate and find items to add to a ticket. You can focus your Item Grid experience on the categories and items you sell the most. With compatibility and pre-bundling, combined with your Item Grid, finding and adding the correct items to tickets has never been easier.


Build a hierarchy of categories to drive visual browsing of your catalog through Item Grids to select repair devices, trade-in items, ticket items, and more. Paired with category images and catalog item images, you can create Item Grids for a truly visual, point-and-click item selection experience for your staff and your customers.


Use Catalog Item Compatibility to associate a parent catalog item with one or more compatible children catalog items. You can reinforce effective business practices and decrease ticket transaction time by eliminating non-compatible items when adding parts, services, and other items. Setup compatibility for devices to enforce compatible services, parts, or other items, and use compatibility for bundles to specify which items can be bundled under a parent item.


Save yourself time and reduce human error by automating item bundles. Using compatibility, you can configure children items to automatically add along with their parent items.

Customer Intake Improvements*

All contact and customer forms have a new interface designed to speed up customer intake by focusing on satisfying required fields as quickly as possible. As you fill out a new customer form, RepairQ automatically checks for an existing match to save you time and prevent duplicate customer records.

Open Items Alert*

To help your staff focus on the right step after identifying a customer on a ticket, we created a new “Open Items Alert” which loads any existing transactions or opportunities (tickets, quotes, or appointments) that are open for a customer. The Open Items Alert helps you identify early on whether you should continue an open item, or continue with creating a new ticket. This will save time spent on intake as well as helping you maintain accurate opportunity conversion rates (quotes and appointments).

Catalog Item Search Improvements*

The ranking algorithm was improved for Catalog Item based searches, and you can now search for key-phrase matches using quotes. For example, you can search for “iPhone X Space Gray” to limit your search to items that match the full phrase.

Other Improvements

  • Invoice Remittance performance optimization
  • Invoice Backdating** – this feature allows you to record payment for a previous date, and you can close the tickets for a date in the past to reflect the actual revenue date
  • New Appointments dashboard in Business Intelligence
  • Receipt/Invoice bundle price and tax display – we made some adjustments to receipts and invoice print settings to more clearly reflect the available options
  • Added Billing Agent Filter and Column to reports
  • Quotes can now be attached to appointments for opportunity conversion through Qsite
  • Added customer referral code
  • Added location region field
  • Added location website URL field which is available in automated notifications
  • Announcement settings received a “select all locations” option
  • New Integrations page

The Future of Qsite

What are other uses of Qsite we anticipate in the near future?

  • Status – A redesign of the original Qsite tool used for customer lookup of open tickets to view the status, price, and notes regarding a repair.
  • Appointments – (Standalone) Currently bundled into Opportunities – in the future, we will make it easier to deploy Appointments as a standalone tool.
  • Check-In – Will be a new tool, deployed as a separate tablet-based kiosk (similar to Qpop) for assisted and unassisted check-in of leads as they walk-in to a location.
  • Virtual Aisle (WIP) – A tool used to browse a virtual list of products in a storefront, select an item, add it to a ticket, choose a fulfillment option of pick-up in store or deliver to home, and pay for the item in-store.


*Denotes a feature that will be available to ALL users and plans including legacy plans.
**Denotes a feature that is only available on Advanced and Professional plans. If you are on a RepairQ Legacy plan, Essentials, or another custom plan, please email with the title “1.16 Upgrade” for more information.

Jared Warren

Jared Warren

Jared is the Digital Marketing Manager for ServiceCentral Technologies. He is the lead copywriter for all digital content related to both ServiceManager and RepairQ, and enjoys spending his time outside the office dedicated to his passions of competitive gaming, reading, and his wife Rachel.