Category: Education

August 3, 2023

Unveiling the Key Benefits of Using a CRM Software

Unveiling the Key Benefits of Using a CRM Software At a Glance: Introduction Section 1: Understanding Customer Relationship Management Software Section 2: Benefits of Using a CRM Software Section 3: Exploring CRM Software Solutions, Packages and Technology Conclusion About RepairQ’s CRM Solution Businesses across industries strive to provide exceptional customer experiences, nurture strong connections and [...]

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June 28, 2022

The Best POS for Repair Shops Will Have These Elements

A dynamic yet easy-to-use point of sale (POS) system for your repair shop will do wonders for customer satisfaction as well as your internal logistics. Common struggles for shop owners are often related to their purchasing systems and inventory integrations – inaccurate numbers, slow transactions, broken automations (or no automations). But with the right approach to their [...]

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June 1, 2022

4 Tips for Good Inventory Management in Repair Centers

Repair centers across the nation rely on the well-being of their inventory systems for the sake of profitability and customer happiness. Nothing retains a customer quite like delivering a quality repair efficiently and without delay. Of course, delays in product and parts shipments have lately defined the state of the supply chain and the reverse [...]

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May 19, 2022

The Importance of Customer Convenience in 2022: Appointments & Personalization

In a recently published Forbes article, contributor Brian Solis highlights the many demands for digital advances and convenience in customer-facing portals and interactions. These demands, he claims, are the “result of the pandemic and its acceleration of digital adoption” and that “more and more customers are starting to expect innovative and personalized services that value their time.” How [...]

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May 5, 2022

Opening an Electronics Repair Service Shop? 5 Must-Haves to Get You Started

Maybe you’ve repaired devices on the side for years, helping family members and friends start afresh without having to purchase something new. Or maybe it’s a skill you’ve honed over the years, and you’re now ready to take it to the next level. Whatever your reason for opening a repair shop, you’ll need to pay [...]

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February 23, 2022

Common Repair Shop Pitfalls and How to Take Control of Them

Owners and operators of repair shops are in a unique place. Many are faced with navigating the murky waters of multiple industries. Among those, electronics repairs and tech support companies are wedged between the highest touch industries: professional services and retail. So, when there is an issue common to retail services—like supply chain turmoil—it’s going to affect [...]

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February 18, 2022

Repair Shop Software Checklist

Dell, Toshiba, Apple, Samsung, Huawei – the list of electronic device brands grows every year, and the list of models and device types grows even greater. It’s hard enough for the consumer to keep up. Repair shop owners and managers face challenges unlike those facing even the device retailer, challenges a change in company software [...]

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February 8, 2022

4 Solutions to Tech Repair Service Pain Points

From faulty hardware right out of the box to broken screens after an adventurous road trip, everyone deals with a broken electronic device eventually. In fact, around 5,800 phone screens alone are broken every hour. This, among other reasons, is why efficiency in the repair service industry is so vital for the consumer. Entrepreneurs and large electronics companies whose [...]

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January 13, 2022

Retain Happy Customers With Better Product Repair Visibility Software

Repair service customers deserve a simple experience with transparency and professional interactions. This can be achieved through dynamic repair service software that considers the customer at every level. Integrating the optimal software starts with providing product visibility for the customer’s sake (and for your own operations). At RepairQ, we provide repair management software that gets [...]

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