Women working in tech are hard to come by. Women in tech repair are even more so. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 25% of those working in electronic equipment repair and maintenance are women. Anyone working in tech can tell you it takes an agile individual with determination to succeed in the industry. We found an individual like this in Sandra Nunley. Asked to describe her job role in one sentence, Sandra responded that she “provides solutions for the company, employees, and customers.” We caught up with her recently as part of our series spotlighting women in tech. Along with her husband, Sandra owns two CPR franchise stores, one in Savannah, Tennessee and one in Corinth, Mississippi and she manages the bookkeeping, employee relations, customer service, and operations for both.
In her own words
How long have you owned your business?
Since 2014
Who inspired you to go into business?
I had a teacher that really pushed me in high school. She was my accounting teacher and she was really supportive. She made me feel like I was smarter than I thought I was and she pushed me to do more.

What advice do you have for women entrepreneurs?
Just go for it. It’s scary. Especially when you want to have a family, too. Take it one day at a time and keep pushing.
How do we get more girls involved in technology?
Growing up I was never allowed to touch tools. I think making tools available to girls and teaching them to try is the key. My youngest daughter has helped my husband work on cars. Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you can’t do this.
What do you think is the most challenging part of being a woman in this business?
People think you don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s infuriating at times. Especially in cell phone repair, they think women are stupid.
Tell us about a past experience you’ve had that has taught you about service.
I’ve learned not to automatically assume with customers. Instead, you have to talk to them and find out exactly what’s going on to be able to explain to them the issue with their device. I’ve learned to listen to people and take in all the information before determining what to do.
According to Aveda IT, as of 2018, women held only 25% of all the jobs in the tech industry, despite women making up almost half of the total workforce. Why do you think women belong in tech and how have you been able to thrive in this space?
One thing I’ve noticed is that women have much better attention to detail. They’re more grateful and more in tune with themselves and how their hands are moving. Women are more attentive to detail and this is a very detail-oriented job. I’ve also learned more about selling. You really have to know your product to sell it and see the value in it. A lot of people don’t see the value in a phone until you break it down for them. It has a lot of value if you’re going to use all those functions.

Sarah Lorenzen
Sarah is the Director of Marketing for ServiceCentral. In her role, she focuses on creating engaging content and optimizing its delivery to reach people interested in repair and reverse logistics. In her life outside the office, Sarah loves to bass fish and spend time with her two daughters.